When you think of getting a massage, you probably think about how good it feels for your muscles. But did you know that massages can also help other areas of your body, including your skin? Facial massages are especially popular for improving appearance, texture, tone, and more. Before you schedule your next massage appointment, learn about the different ways that this salon service can benefit your skin:
Stimulates Blood Flow
When you get a massage, the rubbing motions will stimulate blood flow throughout your body. This process can help plump up the skin and remove toxins, which will help you achieve a more youthful, energized, and refreshed appearance. By improving blood circulation, a facial massage can also help improve the skin’s tone and color, resulting in a more beautiful and even complexion.
Removes Dead Skin Cells
Exfoliating with a scrub or loofah is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells, but it’s not the only way! Getting a massage is another great way to say goodbye to those dead skin cells and hello to more radiant skin. By removing these skin cells through massage, you’ll be able to see smoother skin that looks and feels much better. When your skin is fresh and exfoliated, it will also absorb moisturizers, serums, and other products better and provide a better base for makeup application.
Helps Reduce the Appearance of Wrinkles
Getting a facial massage is a great way to help relax your facial muscles. This can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, since these are typically caused by repeated movements of the muscles in the face. Regular facial massages can help reduce the signs of aging and help prevent new ones from forming.
You can take advantage of these benefits and more when you schedule a massage at Salon Nouveau. Let yourself relax and let our professionals help you look and feel your very best. Give us a call at (520) 323-0770 to learn about our skincare and massage services in Tucson, AZ.