Wax On. Hair Off.

With the thermometer rising up a bit above the 100 degree mark, pool time and short shorts are destined for the near future. For more than 53 years, women have been removing unwanted hair menacing them throughout their lives. Hair removal activities tend to go up in the summertime when certain areas that have been ignored during the colder months are ready to be exposed and enjoy the summer heat. One way to do away with that unwelcomed, pesky hair is to dip into the idea of waxing.

Salon Nouveau offers many services in waxing including lip, brow, chin, sideburn, under arm and everyone’s favorite; the bikini or “betweenie” wax for theswimsuit attire  needed to survive those hot summers. Prices for services on wax are between the ranges of $10-$48 depending on the body part.

There are other alternatives such as shaving but why many women favor waxing is its length in time that it takes for hair to grow back which can be anywhere from four to six weeks. Although, some people may have to wax several times due to some hair being on a different growth cycle.

Lisa Miranda, one of Salon Nouveau’s aestheticians considers Brazilian bikini waxing to be her specialty. Lisa is always looking for new products for Salon Nouveau clients and enjoys helping clients change their appearance and feel good about themselves and recently attended a huge international skincare show.

Lisa recommends a couple of tips to best benefit from your waxing experience include avoiding sun or tanning beds a couple days before and after your treatment. It’s always best before you go in to let your hair grow about two to three weeks for lasting results. Before you do go in for your treatment, exfoliate with a dry loofah or exfoliating gloves by using circular movements which helps tremendously by preventing ingrown hairs. Salon Nouveau recommends before waxing not to drink caffeine, apply moisturizer and most importantly, never wax after a chemical peel.

Waxing is safe, effective and there are very few side effects for most people. However, certain medications and skin types are more susceptible to problems than others, please consult with a doctor if you have any concerns and we regret that we cannot perform waxing service on clients who use Retin-A, Accutane or similar products.

Take the chore out of hair removal and let Salon Nouveau do the waxing for you. In addition to being a full-service hair Salon, we provide clean and effective hair removal for silky smooth skin from head to toe.